From Potency Inflation to Myclobutanil: The Unseen Perils of Lab Shopping in Cannabis Testing

As the cannabis industry continues to grow and evolve, so too do the challenges and complexities that come with this rapidly expanding market. One such challenge is the phenomenon known as lab shopping, where cannabis producers and manufacturers seek out testing labs that will give them favorable results for their products. In this article, we'll delve into the world of lab shopping, exploring its impact on the industry and consumers alike, and discussing what can be done to mitigate its risks.

Introduction to Lab Shopping in the Cannabis Industry

Lab shopping is a practice that has emerged in (though not unique to) the cannabis industry as a result of inconsistent regulations and the desire for businesses to ensure their products meet the required standards for potency, safety, and quality. This process involves producers and manufacturers seeking out cannabis testing labs that will provide them with favorable results, regardless of the actual quality or safety of their products.

The practice has become increasingly prevalent in the industry largely because laboratories act as gatekeepers to medical and retail sales of cannabis and cannabis products - without a passing Certificate of Analysis, products cannot be legally sold.

In addition, lab shopping is occurs due to the financial incentives associated with producing high-quality cannabis products (most customers are just shopping for potency). As a result, lab shopping can lead to the manipulation of test results, which ultimately puts consumers at risk and undermines the credibility of the industry as a whole.

The Impact of Inconsistent Cannabis Regulations on Lab Shopping

One of the primary factors contributing to the rise of lab shopping is the inconsistency in cannabis regulations across different states. In the United States, each state has its own set of rules and requirements for cannabis testing, which can vary significantly and create opportunities for businesses to shop around for labs that will provide more favorable results.

This inconsistency in regulations not only enables lab shopping but also contributes to a lack of standardization in testing methods. With no uniform guidelines or requirements in place, labs may use different testing methodologies, leading to discrepancies in results and making it difficult for consumers to trust the safety and quality of cannabis products.

Additionally, the lack of federal oversight in the United States means that many cannabis testing labs are not subject to the same rigorous standards as other industries, further exacerbating the issue of lab shopping and putting consumers at risk.

The Impact of Potency Inflation in the Cannabis Industry

Potency inflation is one of the most significant consequences of lab shopping, and it can have far-reaching effects on the cannabis industry. When labs report inflated potency levels for THC and other cannabinoids, it can create unrealistic expectations among consumers and has contributed to a “race to the top” mentality among producers. This has lead to an overemphasis on potency at the expense of other important factors, such as flavor, aroma, and overall product quality.

Furthermore, potency inflation can contribute to a lack of trust in the legal cannabis industry, as consumers may come to view lab results as unreliable or even deceptive. This has had a negative impact on the industry’s reputation and can hinder long-term growth and success.

The Consequences of Lab Shopping on Consumer Safety

A primary concern associated with lab shopping is the potential impact on consumer safety. When producers prioritize favorable lab results over accurate and reliable testing, they may be putting consumers at risk by selling products that contain harmful contaminants (chemical or microbiological) that would otherwise not meet regulatory safety standards.

One example of this risk can be seen in the use of myclobutanil, a fungicide commonly used in cannabis cultivation. Myclobutanil can pose serious health risks when ingested or inhaled, and its presence in cannabis products has led to numerous recalls and public health warnings.

By engaging in lab shopping, producers may be more likely to bypass regulations and release products containing myclobutanil or other dangerous contaminants into the market.

Understanding Myclobutanil: Its Role and Risks

As previously mentioned, Myclobutanil is a fungicide that is commonly used in the cultivation of various crops, including cannabis. While it is effective at controlling a variety of fungal diseases, myclobutanil can pose serious health risks when present in cannabis products. When heated, myclobutanil can break down into toxic compounds, including hydrogen cyanide, which can cause respiratory issues, headaches, nausea, and even death at high levels of exposure.

Due to these risks, many jurisdictions have banned or restricted the use of myclobutanil in cannabis cultivation. However, the inconsistent regulatory landscape and the prevalence of lab shopping make it possible for products containing myclobutanil to still find their way onto store shelves. This underscores the need for standardized testing methods and stricter regulations to protect consumer safety.

The Role of Policy in Addressing Lab Shopping Concerns

Policy plays a crucial role in addressing the concerns associated with lab shopping in the cannabis industry. By establishing and enforcing strict regulations around cannabis testing, governments can help to ensure that products are safe and accurately labeled, reducing the likelihood of lab shopping.

This may include requiring third-party, state-operated or contract testing of cannabis products, setting strict standards for testing methodologies, and implementing significant penalties for non-compliance. Additionally, increased collaboration between regulators, testing labs, and the cannabis industry can help to develop and implement best practices for testing and reporting, further reducing the risks associated with lab shopping.

The Importance of Standard Methods in Cannabis Testing

In order to combat the issues associated with lab shopping and ensure the safety and quality of cannabis products, it is crucial to establish and implement standardized testing methods across the industry. Standardized methods can help to eliminate inconsistencies in testing procedures and results, making it more difficult for producers to engage in lab shopping.

Standard methods should include guidelines for sample preparation, testing equipment options, and data analysis, as well as standards for the detection and reporting of contaminants and potency levels. By adopting standardized testing methods, the cannabis industry can work to build trust with consumers and regulators, ensuring that lab results are accurate and reliable.

Alternatives to Lab Shopping: Promoting Transparency and Reliability

In order to combat the issue of lab shopping and promote a safer, more transparent cannabis industry, businesses should prioritize transparency and reliability in their testing processes. This may include working with accredited labs that adhere to strict quality standards and are subject to regular audits and inspections.

Additionally, businesses can promote transparency by sharing their testing results with consumers, either through product labeling or online resources. This not only helps to build trust with consumers but also encourages other businesses to follow suit and prioritize accurate and reliable testing.

Finally, the cannabis industry should work together to advocate for the establishment of standardized testing methods and regulations, as this will ultimately benefit all parties involved and contribute to a safer, more accountable market.

The future of cannabis testing and regulation

As the cannabis industry continues to grow and evolve, it is essential that testing and regulation evolve as well. This includes the development and implementation of standardized testing methods, stricter regulations, and increased collaboration among stakeholders to ensure that lab results are accurate and reliable - similar to those just released by the Independent Laboratories Institute.

By working together to address the risks associated with lab shopping, the cannabis industry can promote transparency, protect consumer safety, and build trust with consumers and regulators. This, in turn, will help to ensure the continued growth and success of the cannabis market.

Conclusion: protecting consumers and the industry from lab shopping risks

Lab shopping poses a significant challenge to the cannabis industry, with consequences for both consumer safety and the industry’s reputation. By addressing the issues of inconsistent regulations, potency inflation, and the presence of dangerous substances like myclobutanil, we can work together to create a safer and more transparent cannabis market.

This will require the adoption of standardized testing methods, stricter regulations, and increased collaboration among stakeholders, as well as a commitment to transparency and consumer education. By taking these steps, we can protect both consumers and the industry from the hidden risks of lab shopping.

To learn more about lab shopping and other issues facing the cannabis industry, join Ron Brooks Consulting at the 6th Annual Cannabis Sciences Virtual Event hosted by Labroots. My presentation is titled "Dangers of Lab Shopping: The Reality Undermining a Legitimate Industry." Click here to register for this free Event.

For questions or further information, contact Ron Brooks Consulting.


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